CTX - AI-powered X-Ray Vision into Crypto Twitter



Getting started is easy. Type in any question you desire to ask CTXRay and a smart LLM (ChatGPT) will base its response based on recent crypto related Tweets we fed in.

To get more out of CTXRay, consider formatting your question prompts using one of these formats (fill in whatever you want in the brackets [ ]):

  • What is the current sentiment on Twitter about [ ]?
  • Which cryptocurrencies are trending on Twitter today?
  • Compare the Twitter sentiment of [ ], [ ], and [ ] over the past month.
  • What are the top 3 most positively discussed cryptocurrencies on Twitter right now?
  • How has the sentiment about [ ] changed after the recent news?
  • Show the sentiment trend of [ ] over the past three months.
  • What are the top influencers saying about [ ] this week?
  • Analyze the Twitter sentiment volatility for [ ] in the last month.
  • What is the sentiment on Twitter about the upcoming [ ] upgrade?